• pink flamingo swim ring on body of water in summer
    Parenting,  Special Topics

    Summer Safety Sources

    How’s your summer going? I think there’s something magical about suspending schedules, changing eating habits and creating family adventures. With my “bonus son” on board for a few weeks, we are savoring the fresh produce dinners, late night movies, family workouts and planning a few more day trips. It’s bliss. Sometimes summer is not so blissful. Poison ivy, sunburns, and bike mishaps can interfere with a family vacation. And don’t get me started about the fire ants — yikes! Maybe it’s time to think about summer…

  • strawberry popsicles
    Happiness,  Parenting,  Special Topics

    Backyard Fun in the Sun

    Summer vacation… For some it means travel adventures, for others it’s about finding new and better ways to enjoy our homes… Enjoying longer days with a little fun in the sun. I’ve expanded our “tips list” to include attention to backyard pools and play equipment as well as the ever-popular barbeque. [Tweet “I’ve expanded our “tips list” to include attention to backyard play equipment.”] Red Cross Home Pool Safety 7 Steps to a Backyard Playground for Kids I worked for many years as a family advocate…

  • brown ice cream cone

    Is Your Family Prepared?

    We know that when families grow and change it is not always by choice: divorce, job changes, relocation or re-marriage are not always choices that the entire extended family can agree on — or prepare for. The impact of those changes can rock our world in ways that we can’t imagine ahead of time. The foundation upon which our families have been built is tossed around like buildings in an earthquake. [Tweet “Our family’s foundations can be tossed around like buildings in an earthquake.”] While we…