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Resources & Good Ideas - Andrea Patten
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Resources & Good Ideas

Whether your title is “Mom,” “Dad,” grandparent, step-parent, or foster parent, if you’ve got the job of parenting, it’s tough to keep up with all the information that’s available to you.  We realize that members of our community have a wide range of concerns and beliefs but share a desire to prepare children to live successful adult lives.   When compiling links we make every effort to collect high-quality, informative sites representing a variety of viewpoints. Over on the  Free Stuff  page you’ll find useful,downloadable tools and articles.                                         Movies with a Message is a list of uplifting movies enjoyed by parents and often suitable for the whole family.  Created with help from the people on my Facebook page…. take a look and feel free to suggest some others. And, speaking of Facebook…  My page “likes” some other pages. Some I’ve known for a long time and some I’ve just “met.” Our blog category ‘Special Topics’ has evolved from years of conversations with parents.  While I can’t resist cataloging links that may give you a starting point when you need new information please remember:

  • this information is not a substitute for professional or medical advice
  • inclusion of a link should not be considered an endorsement

Whenever possible I include free tools.  ‘Resources for Parents’ is a work in progress  ~ please feel free to suggest tools that have been useful to your family.

  • Alcohol & Other Drugs  Most parents worry about the risks children face as a result of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs.  Take a look at these sites for information about prevention, recovery, treatment and support or at A Day in the Life from the Children’s Defense Fund for a closer look at the issues facing kids and teens.
  • Autism There’s more to learn every day.
  • Bullying  is a form of violence that can have a far-reaching impact. These sites have resources and suggestions for putting a stop to it.
  • Financial Literacy– Do your kids a favor –  get an early start on entrepreneurship, financial management and workplace skills.
  • Foster & Adoptive Families – While all of the general parenting resources can be useful, sometimes there are special challenges and rewards.
  • Healthy Habits– check what you know about nutrition, create a healthy environment and build values at the same time. Sports can help build muscles — and attitudes and improve outlooks
  • Inspiration and Role Models – Good parents know that it’s one thing to tell kids about values and character and another to show them. A well-chosen role model is worth more than a thousand words. Often it’s the simplest acts of inspiration which serve as the best building blocks.
  • Parenting Skills and Attitudes – Whether your title is “Mom,” “Dad,” grandparent, step-parent, or foster parent, if you’ve got the job of parenting, check out these sites.
  • Safety – Keep kids safe at home, on the road, on the internet…
  • Sports – Whether team or individual, sports offer us ways to connect as a family, more movement, stories and…



The fine print. Contents of this site are intended for personal, non-commercial, educational and/or discussion purposes only and should not be relied upon for financial, legal, medical, personal or other decisions.  This site contains links, facts, opinions and recommendations of authors and experts and are not necessarily the opinions of the site owner who is not liable for loss or damages of any kind arising from, or alleged to arise from, the use of the information provided herein.