I get inspired by the people and the things they create to make the world better. As I said in the last post, I got excited about the idea of introducing you to some of them. Here’s “Part 2” of my list of “67 People, Programs, Products or Ideas that Make a Difference”.
21. Lolly Daskal brings together a remarkable group of people through a weekly Twitter chat called “lead from within.”
22. This author calls a stepmom a “noble woman who cares for and nurtures her husband’s children.” There’s also a free e-book available on her site.
23. Junior Achievement teaches kids financial literacy. Here’s a link to one of my favorite chapters.
24. Andrew Vachss represents children and youth exclusively. He also writes books that give an incredible look at a part of the world most people would rather pretend does not exist.
25. Shiv is a poet & composer I follow on Twitter. He shares incredibly kind, uplifting energy.
26. Best known (from the movie) as a doctor and humorist, you may not know that Patch Adams is a social activist who has devoted forty years to changing health care.
27. Daily children’s book recommendations….. often with great “back stories”
28. Cruel’s not cool.
29. “A better world begins at home and the fun starts right here!”
30. Read about the physical, emotional, spiritual and medical elements of the journey that is managing chronic pain.
31. Supportive housing to single mothers and their children overcoming homelessness (central TX)
32. Pamir Kiciman offers affordable (donation-based) long-distance reiki healing every month.
33. Practicalparentingonline.com Good info from author, health communicator and pediatrician.
34. Kidsareheroes.org highlights the ways kids are changing the world and becoming leaders!
35. Linette Daniels supports youth-serving organizations in becoming more excellent at preparingthe next generation.
36. Excellent blog about the customer service side of health and human services. Just helping people.
37. Sometimes the only thing in life we can change is an attitude…. And focusing on gratitude never fails.
38. Random Acts of Kindness
39. Pay it forward author Catherine Ryan Hyde.
40. Who you are matters. It gets better.
41. Celebrating musicians around the world
42. It began with 3 gardens and a pamphlet.
43. Food is a common language and a universal right
44. They’re fast, they’re free… and often funny. They never fail to be thought provoking. Check out TED: Best of the Web.
45. Nancycoaches.com shares kindness, humor and tips to help women be more organized and on top of their businesses.
46. I often share information about Tom Tuohy and Dreams for Kids, a remarkable organization.
47. Keisha Luce is a documentary sculpture artist. Sum & Parts depicts the impact of Agent Orange on a 3rd generation of Vietnamese people.
48. When Moms get mad, interesting things take place. The Pigtail Pals blog is a powerful voice for media literacy, especially as it applies to sex role stereo typing (and premature sexualization) of little girls.
49. Anyone living with ADD or ADHD (whether in yourself, someone you love or both) can benefit from high quality free content at this site.
The rest of the list will be posted soon. Don’t forget…. if you want to add to our Resources Page, part of the reason for this post is to give you a chance to suggest “great stuff” in the comments.
Let’s connect on social media.
One Comment
Sana Johnson-Quijada MD
that’s a list to run with! thanks for the insightful references/referrals. keep on.