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... the Rest of My List - Andrea Patten
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… the Rest of My List

Earlier this week I heard the suggestion that to honor Nelson Mandela’s 93rd each of us contribute 67 minutes to helping someone: one minute for each of his years of community service. I decided to try to share some inspiring online connections with you. (And as long as you don’t “advertise,” you’re welcome to add some of your inspiration in the comments. Who knows… they may end up on our resource page!)

Here’s “Part 3” of my original list.

50. If you’re like me, you’ll find the Khan Academy a show-stopper. Learn “almost anything” for free.
51. A positive, encouraging attitude with lots of tips to help Mom-preneurs get a handle on organization and running a more efficient business.
52. If you have room in your home and in your heart for a new four-legged family member this is a great place to start.
53. Tired of the corporate media mantra “if it bleeds it leads?” Good news network
55. Speaking of values, this new blogger decided to fire her life and is having on online life liquidation sale. Her blog is, at times funny and often just a tad “too honest.”
56. Behavioral health is essential to health, prevention works, people recover and treatment works.
57. Cafe Gratitude is best described directly from their site: “a school of transformation and an experiment in sacred commerce.”
58. Remember what I said about the remarkable things that happen when Moms get mad? Here’s another one! Volunteering at your kids’ school should not be a chaotic experience.

It’s no secret I’m passionate about literacy. Here are a few more of “my champions” of literacy.

59. Books change lives and the Amelia Island Book Festival brings readers and authors together to inspire both. Their authors in schools program is a wonderful offering.
60. Teen years can be loaded with angst and YA fiction can help kids feel less isolated… one of the many reasons I like author and teacher David Matthew Barnes.
61. It’s not what happens, it’s what we tell ourselves about it. Storytelling is important for lots of reasons.
62. No matter how discouraged you might feel, Begin With Yes offers a steady stream of support as you take the next small step forward!
63. I love authors is a website/radio show combo that brings you a new author ever week.
64. My friend Tim Vandehey helps people tell their stories. He just published a kindle book to help other parents who work from home.
66. Michael Hicks is selling lots of books on kindle. The part that makes such a difference? He is generous in his encouragement of other authors who what to do the same.
67. I love this blogger so much I married him. Senior Saumurai writes about aging, martial arts and Buddhism in a warm and encouraging manner.

So there’s my list… and you know what? I know they make a difference: sharing them with you has made me feel better. And I already felt pretty darned good.

Let’s connect on social media.

One Comment

  • Melissa Dery


    You have made a positive contribution to my life everyday since I’ve met you!

    I’m grateful and honored to be included in such a powerful and positive list!

    Many Thanks!