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Best Mothers' Day Gifts - Andrea Patten

Best Mothers’ Day Gifts

I love holidays that honor families and Mothers Day is no exception.  This year my family is celebrating some wonderful changes that make it even better.  We are thrilled to join our family with that of  our new daughter-in-law… who, in addition to being crazy about my son, is a wonderful mother.  Yes…. I’m now the proud grandma of a 5th grader!

So this is sort of an unusual Mothers Day for me….  sitting here with my husband, talking about so many wonderful moments during yesterday’s events and looking forward to time with my own Mom a little later on.

I realize that I’ve spent many years celebrating with Moms who were separated from their kids in order to change their family stories by committing to addiction recovery.   It was in that setting we asked “just WHO invented a holiday with the power to make incredible women feel like both  inadequate mothers AND a bad daughters all at the same time????”  It’s true for so many people… and acknowledging that truth breaks the ice, let’s us laugh and create a day that works for the circumstances.

A single Mom for many years, I once received a card and a necktie for Fathers’ Day.  I was wonderful. So I suggest that Mothers’ Day might be a fine time to honor anyone who has consistently nurtured you, lifted you up and supported you in giving life to your dreams.

Happy Mothers’ Day, Mrs. Patten!

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