“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” — Golda Meir
I’ve probably never told you about the barely believable string of problems I’ve had with websites over the years. When I started, I knew absolutely NOTHING and was completely dependent on the people who DID know.
Not only that, we had to communicate and both parties had to do what they said they were going to do.
The nicest thing I have to say about that chapter of my life is: I tried to do what I said I was going to do — and I probably could have communicated better. The problem was that, for a period of time, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I was an “unconscious incompetent.”
Then it got worse. I moved to the next stage of learning, the really uncomfortable one: the “conscious incompetent.” I KNEW that there was a lot I didn’t understand and it made me more than a little nutty.
I got frustrated enough to make a decision: I’m learning how to do all of this myself. I have a mentor. I’m taking classes at the Apple Store. I’m on a first name basis with several tech support people at the hosting company.
I am proud to say I’ve achieved “conscious incompetence.” With a great deal of support and concentration I can do some of what I need to do.* I have no idea how long it will take to progress to “unconscious competence” when these skills have become second nature.
It makes me think about wanting things to be easy for our kids. It’s a wish that most parents share — it’s also fairly unrealistic.
I have shed tears and said a few choice words words on the way to some so-so results, but at the ripe old age of “waaaaay over 21” I’m learning how to be responsible for a part of my life I didn’t know I could handle.
It’s exhilarating. And that’s a feeling I want kids to have, time and time again. Don’t you?
* (If you’re going to be nice you can check out my beginner efforts — my personal site , some photography and design or the beginning of our consulting site. I’m open to lots of support, encouragement and a little bit of constructive feedback!)
Related articles
- Aspiring To Be Unconsciously Competent (facilitativeleadership.wordpress.com)
- Learning a New Skill requires Reps (60m50m.wordpress.com)
One Comment
Keyuri Joshi (on the ball parent coach)
What a beautiful post about your JOURNEY! Without it’s peaks and valleys accompanied with those scalding tears I know all too well, there would be pot of gold! Congrats on all you learned and achieved.