• Fun & Inspiration


    Huh?  OK, confession.  Sometimes when I can’t make up my mind I make up a word.  Help me out here. A palindrome is a word, phrase or sentence that ‘reads’ the same backward or forward. They can be simple like ‘race car’ or ‘deed’ or ‘madam.’ Or, more complex, like ‘A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!’ An antonym  is a word opposite in meaning to another, like ‘fast’ and ‘slow.’ Which is this?  (Watch it all the way to the end before you decide.) Whatever you…

  • Parenting,  Special Topics

    Is Your Daughter a Bully?

    That’s not a question too many parents ask.  But bullying may be on your daughter’s mind.  You might be able to steer to some good information (for bullies and for victims) by directing her this quiz    http://www.girlshealth.gov/bullying/quizzes/quiz.bullying.cfm    on the Girls’ Health site sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services. The site is dedicated to helping girls between the ages of 10 and 16 make healthy, positive choices.  In addition to bullying, topics include health, fitness, relationships, substance abuse prevention, nutrition and the future. The…