
Holiday Gifts and the “Magic Ingredient”

It seems that that the pressures that have been squeezing parents for the past couple of years may have started to focus us in a way that is actually good for our kids. When it comes to gifts, is the scarcity of Zhu Zhu Hamsters a blessing in disguise?

I just finished assembling my all time favorite gift of a 4-year-old (she’s brilliant but she can’t read yet– it’s a dress-up box!) Why is it a favorite? It’s a great ‘return on investment’ — inexpensive and, like so many of classics, lacking only one ingredient: creativity. The child’s imagination.

The cool thing about that magic ingredient? The more of it you use the more of it you have. Isn’t that an amazing value?

Check this link to read about some more timeless classics:

Forget Zhu Zhu Hamsters, Classic Toys Have Power – TIME.

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