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Do You NaNoWriMo? - Andrea Patten
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Do You NaNoWriMo?

What?  If you asked “what’s a NaNo…?” you’re not alone.  And I’m really glad I asked!

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month — a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November.  A participant (and winner) for three consecutive years I am not (yet) among the truly obsessed who start at midnight (local time) and often go way past the 50,000 word goal.  I can’t even manage to hang onto the same user name from year to year but I keep showing up.

Still, it’s October 15th and I find myself (already) wondering whether or not I will succumb to this particular form of insanity again this year….Why not?  It’s fun… it’s free… and there’s a whole community of other people trying to get that ‘crappy first draft’ finished before the 30th!

Check it out at the NaNoWriMo site or in this article How to Participate in NaNoWriMo – wikiHow.  But be careful while you’re looking around — you might just find yourself getting up early to get your 1667 words in before you start your day!

SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS – Be sure to take a look at the Young Writers’ Program.  A fun (and sneaky) way to enhance literacy skills!

Let’s connect on social media.