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If you’re going to be in NYC this weekend... - Andrea Patten
Empire State Building sketch
Four Foundations

If you’re going to be in NYC this weekend…

….here’s a chance to meet some wonderful people and promote a great cause.  As I’ve written before, while writing What Kids Need…. I became friendly with artist Michael Johnson and his mother Robin.  As you’ll see from the note from Robin, Michael’s success continue, as an artist, a hard-working businessman and, as always, someone who gives back.

“Hi Andrea – I thought you might be able to help get the word out about a great event taking place in NYC this weekend.

100 of Michael’s paintings will be for sale at Asphalt Green in New York City October 4th at The Romp for Down Syndrome Research.  Michael will be the only featured artist.

Emily Perl Kingsley and her son Jason Kingsley will be honored at the Romp as the winners of the Romp for Research Recognition Award.  Emily, a writer for Sesame Street since 1970, is the author “Welcome to Holland.”  Jason is also an author and will be signing and selling his book, Count Us In: Growing Up with Down Syndrome .

Ringling Brothers is sending clowns, the Hoop Wizard will perform basketball tricks, the New York Rangers are sending their virtual hockey game show, and there will be a live band.

100 painting is a lot of work and, in addition to donating a large one to the auction, Michael has sent work that will appeal to a variety of aesthetics and pocketbooks.  Original watercolor botanicals and small acrylics of dogs competing in agility start at  only $5!  Additional subject matter includes acrylics featuring children sunflower, horses, and birds.  This time he has added Native American oil paintings for $25.

Bernese Mountain Dog paintings, puppy paintings, golden retrievers and labrador retrievers. His newest large oil painting with dolphins is there, as well as some large wild horse sunset acrylics on full sheets of Fabriano watercolor paper.

It’s free to attend but everyone is asked at the door if they would like to make a contribution to DSRTF (Down Syndrome Research and Treatment Foundation) if they haven’t already done so.
We have a huge outdoor space so the more the merrier.  See for info.”

Check it out.  Whether you’re an art lover, a dog lover or just looking for a fun event to help a good cause, it looks like a great event.  Thanks, Robin, for letting us know!

Let’s connect on social media.